Saturday, October 25, 2008


Today we attended a wedding. My mom, my husband and I. We knew we would run into my grandpa who my mom is currently having a little fight with. However we did not under any terms expect what he did. When we sat down AT THE CEREMONY he handed her a flier and said, "I thought you might want to see this." On the front was a picture of a couple, her aunt and uncle, when she flipped it over she discovered it was a picture of her uncle. Not just a picture it was his fucking EPITAPH. YES! That is how my mom found out her uncle died BACK IN AUGUST. A fucking flier. No one called her, wrote her or anything.

That isn't even what upsets me the most, what bothers me the most is that my grandpa would give my mom news like that seconds before a WEDDING CEREMONY STARTS. What kind of person does that? What kind of person purposely packs a flier full of such bad news to a wedding with the intentions of ruining someones day?

I am pissed!


Cristina Mathers said...

umm most def that is not cool. you are right that it was horrible that she didn't know but also, how rude, hurtful and spiteful to do that at what is suppose to be the happiest day of someone's life!

no wonder they are in a fight-he's a jerk. oh and what did you wear?

Anonymous said...

That is UH-mazing. It is incredible that people can act that way.

Constance65 said...

My mouth literally dropped open when I read this.....What the??? Who does that? I am sorry that happened to you and your Mom on such a nice day.