Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It's your fault your fat not mine

This is an odd post to write with out a bunch of she said, then I said then she said. So I'm going to just give facts. Here goes.

I've recently lost about 40 pounds. I work with 3 people. We'll call them Boss, bosses wife and mosher girl. Boss and bosses wife have also lost weight. While they haven't been so serious about it lately, they still try and watch what they eat. I am very strict about my food. I pack my lunches (also to save money which is a whole other post), and eat vegetables, nothing pre packaged and so on. Mosher girl doesn't like to work. Currently she is working three days a week. This is a bump up from the two she was working for the last 11 months. Before that she had taken a nice little 4 month hiatus and gone on unemployment, because, well, it was easier then working. She currently weighs 180 lbs. 11 months ago she weighed 160. Here are the rest of the facts.

Things mosher girl says to me:
* Your getting too skinny it's annoying
* I'm only fat because I have to work here. If I didn't have to work here I could eat better and do more.
* I've gained 20 lbs since starting back here, it's this places fault I'm fat.
* I can't eat any more of the vegetables you packed me, they upset my stomach. Health food doesn't make me feel good.

Every day that mosher girl works she does this,
Stops at the gas station, buys 1 beef jerky stick, 1 string cheese, 1 rock star, 2 redbulls, and some chips, candy ect. This is her daily food intake until she gets home and buys the house fast food, pizza or cooks hamburger helper.

Every day I offer mosher girl food. I listen to her talk about wanting to change. About how expensive dieting is, about how she can't afford to diet because she spends money packing her husbands lunch, and about how its to hard to diet at work, it would be easier if she was home on her ass all day.

This week mosher girl had her teeth redone. Since she can't eat shes been eating Cup O Noodles. She calls this the noodle diet. A few years back, she actually went on the ramen and cup o noodles diet. I am at a loss. What exactly do I do here. I'm fed up with getting picked on for losing weight. I'm sick of hearing its a money thing when she leaves half the time to buy a Burger King meal or McDonalds kids meal. I can't listen to someone tell me they are fat when their breakfast is a beef stick and Red Bull. I can't hear her demean me for eating healthy when the ingredients on her breakfast actually list PIG AND COW TONGUES.

My question or issue is, if your fat fix it, if your not going to fix it then shut the fuck up and stop picking on me for doing something about it. But seriously, as I sit here eating my vegetables, light dip, and protein rich lunch, please don't tell me it's my fault your fat, I packed enough for two of us. What do I do here? Do I just call her a fat fucker who is fat from eating beef sticks and ramen? Do I shut up and let her continue to belittle me for getting thin? Do I keep offering her healthy snacks? Do I put dexitrim in her water? Oh wait, she already does that!


Sharilee said...

Dont get mad...but in calm her out. Let her see that you have thought about it. Maybe that is what she needs. Does she make good money? I will take her job then you can bs with me all day long!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I used to work with someone who had an awesome reply to stuff like this. She would just look at them and say, "Shut. Up." I don't know if anyone could say it just like she did, though: it was this perfect combination of kind and yet totally sincere, and it made people laugh but ALSO SHUT UP.