Thursday, August 14, 2008

I'm going to fucking scream

At the end of this month I'm throwing a huge party for my husband.  My main goal for that weekend is one huge ass guys weekend.  My husband is from California.  For the last 7 years he has lived here in Reno with me.  He hardly gets to see his friends.  For this reason I've done anything and everything I can to convince his friends to get here for this party.  I've made promises and bent over backwards just to get as many of his old friends here.  I've got them all sending me oldies from school and I've compiled a best of playlist for his party.  Think LL Cool Jay and Kriss Kross.  I've got decorations, 3 kegs, two meals and games lined up.  I've even bought and made most of a beer pong table just so my husband has his very own for his big day.  

Last month was his best friends birthday.  They flew to Vegas.  My husband asked me to come and I said no.  This was a guys weekend I didn't belong there.  Best friends wife ended up coming and needless to say she ruined the whole trip.  At one point she took the car and left them stranded 20 minutes out of town saying she needed to just run and buy a shirt from the mall.  4 hours later she showed back up.  The guys were left at her aunts house starving with no food, no car and no way to get to the pool.  All they wanted to do was go to the pool.  She then made them go to a sit down lunch and took another 2 hours out of their day.  After that when it was time to get ready to go out she ended up taking 4 hours to get ready.  The guys were supposed to get to the club at 11 and didn't get there until after 1.  My husband was angry at most of the trip because of this one girl.

Last week I find out his number one best friend, his best man in our wedding can't come.  The reason he can't come is that his wife got into his personal man savings account spent his money and didn't tell him.  He now can not afford a ticket.  I even said I would pony up the $300.00 to get him here on a plane.  I've now just been informed that he can come only if he drives and only if she comes.

Part of the big weekend was sending the guys to the rib cookoff all day saturday while I set up.  Now I've been told she has to go with them.  If they go eat she has to go.  When they go down town for the festivities she has to go.  I'm fucking angry.  It's one thing for this girl to ruin her husbands birthday weekend but she will not fuck up my husbands weekend.  

So.  I tell husband I'm going to myspace his friend and let him know I will pay for his ticket.  Husband says I can't because she checks his myspace. I say fine I'll text message him.  Husband says nope, she answers his phone calls and checks his phone.  

ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS??  So now what the fuck do I do.  I called his other good friend and told him.  He said we are all fucked now.  I asked if I could just tell her to stay and help me set up while they went out.  Friend said no good she won't let him out of her site.  So what the fuck do I do now.  My husband is still angry at this woman for fucking up his best friends party, he is still angry at her level of disrespect for making them so late and now he is angry because she just drained over 2 grand from his best friends special man savings account.

I don't know if I can be nice to this girl now.  What do I do people.  

Fuck what kind of fucking girl checks her husbands phone and myspace.  What kind of fucking girl tells her fucking husband he can't even go down town for some fucking ribs with out her on his fucking arm.  

How am I not going to smack this bitch?

On top of it all I just got told another friend is coming here, but he is coming with the girl he is cheating on his fiance with.  A second friend is coming, leaving his girlfriend home and looking for someone to bang.  Another friend is coming but only if he can have a free ride.  

People.  Maybe instead of beer pong as a game I should have fucking boxing gloves.


Anonymous said...

um is this brumhilda that i always bitch and moan about???? sounds the same. how insecure that she is like that. why marry someone that you don't trust? and stealing from her husband is just wrong. wrong! i say you get all the friends involved and kidnap the important pal. then leave the beeotch home. as for the other guys who are obviously piggish, tell them to clean it up. cheating??? boooooo.

Constance 50 said...

Why the hell is your husband's friend still with this monster? Isn't he embarassed?

Anonymous said...

Does this girl EVER go our with her GIRLFRIENDS!? WTH

Maybe you could call and talk to her directly? that way it doesn't look like you are trying to avoid her. Tell her it's a guys weekend, that you will be planning it but not participating and that other guys are banned from bringing their girls too (or SO's). If she is still a controlling wench then you can also include that if her husband is not able to come because she will not allow it that it will not go over well with ANYONE.

Tell the other guys to think outside of themselves for a weekend. If they bring their girls (cheating or not) they will be RUINING the weekend for your hubby. If they are unwilling to do that then I would seriously consider cancelling it, planning a major "you are the KING" weekend for him and you (ie loads of sex and maybe a fishing trip, golfing, or whatever he loves to do without any complaining). Then after the weekend is over for a while let him know how disappointed were with his "friends". That you had planning a whole guy weekend and that more than a couple of them couldn't get their heads out of their behinds enough to come without dragging a party wrecker with them.

Just a thought.

Constance Squared said...

I'd see if it were possible to rework a plan, send them somewhere else and have him kidnapped so even HE doesn't know what the deal is. That way she can't tag along. Sucks that you've made all these plans and one stupid person is ruining it. But then again, if he won't stand up to her, it's also as much his fault. He needs to man up and ditch this disrespectful person he married.